The Grounded Girl
Coaching for Balance and Vitality in Health
Is The Grounded Girl for you?
Do you find that diets have you feeling restrictive and unhappy?
Are you feeling low on energy, like you're being dragged through your day?
Do you struggle to feel confident in your body?
Does managing daily tasks overwhelm you?
Do you let stress and anxiety control who you want to be?
Does food consume your thoughts?
Is moving your body something that sounds exhausting and intimidating?

My Story
I used to answer 'yes' to all of those questions.
I grew up in a household where healthy foods and exercise were the standard. When I went to college, the values I grew up with didn't really matter to me. I ate whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted, and did not exercise. I was low on energy, low in confidence & self esteem, and looked to relationships to validate my worth. Food was also a coping mechanism at that time. However, after a tough break-up, I used the gym as my new constant, and I became obsessed with how the gym was making me look on the outside. I was restrictive with my food & felt horrible about myself when I would eat "cheat meals"; but food was something that I thought of from the moment I woke up to the time I fell asleep.
When I graduated college, I fell in love with running, which allowed me to form a healthier relationship with my body and food for several months, but I eventually circled back to hating what I saw in the mirror, and developed an extremely unhealthy relationship with food.
After this went on for a couple years, I was tired of being a bully to myself, feeling like I was trapped in my own body and mind. However, I had always wanted to help people with their health, so I started working as a personal trainer out of a commercial gym for over two years. However, the gym became a place of pressure and self-loathing, so I went to live out of my truck for some time, to figure out my thoughts and take a break from society, life, and a MIRROR. When I returned home, I dove straight into health & life coaching, learning and being coached by other life coaches...and I'll never look back. Going through the health & life coaching program allowed me to view food as a partner to help me, and gave me the clarity of how to achieve the life I've always dreamed of living.
I learned to love listening and taking care of my body, and I want everyone to be able to experience that freedom and peace with their mind, body, and soul; that's why I'm so passionate about health & life coaching, and am eager to help YOU along your journey!!
My Mission
I want to help you become curious about what fuels your body physically, mentally, and emotionally. I believe that through BEING OUTSIDE, consistent daily habits, understanding and loving your unique body, and the right support, you will become GROUNDED in the person you've always dreamt of.
Each program will include sessions where we will dive deeper into the WHY behind your goals, and discover what's been stopping you from achieving them. Sessions will include one-on-one calls each week that are tailored to your unique self.
If you're ready to start the transformation of your mind, body, and health, TODAY, choose a program that is the best fit for you!